Local Businessman, Community Leader, Proud Conservative

Job Creation & Economic Growth

Low Taxes

Keeping Georgia the #1 State for Business

A proud local businessman, Sean Knox grew up in the pest control industry under the guidance of his father and grandfather – with his work experience being in his early teens as a “technician assistant”. The family’s history within the industry began with Sean’s great-grandfather Forrest H. Knox, who walked the streets of Atlanta with roach powder and mice traps to service customers in need. Now the Knox family is proud to have four generations of pest control specialists. Sean currently serves as Co-President – where he actively works with the leadership team to oversee development and operations.
An active member of the community, Sean has served on boards for the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Parker College of Business Dean’s Advisory Committee (GSU), the Boys and Girls Club of Columbus, Young Life, the Columbus Convention and Trade Center, and the Infantry Museum at Fort Moore. He has graduated from Leadership GPCA, Leadership Columbus, and Leadership Georgia.
Sean and his wife Crawford have been married for 19 years and have been blessed with three beautiful children.